Straw mobile and eulerian circuits
For this holiday season my friend had an idea to make a traditional Lithuanian straw mobile but with a twist: lets use a LED strip to make it shine, and lets make it big!
For this holiday season my friend had an idea to make a traditional Lithuanian straw mobile but with a twist: lets use a LED strip to make it shine, and lets make it big!
Neseniai teko debuginti esphome generuojamą PWM signalą, kuris valdo servo motorą. Iki galo suprasti kas vyksta padėjo osciloskopas veikiantis ant 8.5EUR RPi Pico mikrovaldiklio.
This was originally posted on 2020-11-24 on iRacing subreddit
I was fortunate enough to upgrade my CPU to AMD Ryzen 9 5950x, and I figured to do a frametime and utilization comparison in iRacing using fpsVR.
I had recently acquired three Google WiFi pucks to upgrade the networking setup in my current apartment. I have had a pretty good experience with Google WiFi when I set it up at my parents home almost a year ago.