VR performance from AMD 3900x to 5950x
This was originally posted on 2020-11-24 on iRacing subreddit
I was fortunate enough to upgrade my CPU to AMD Ryzen 9 5950x, and I figured to do a frametime and utilization comparison in iRacing using fpsVR.
The test was one lap in Barcelona circuit behind 10 AI cars all driving Audi RS3 LMS.
First run was using medium graphics configuration.

This is the conservative configuration which allows me to keep 90FPS in almost all of the tracks when racing. I used to get some parts of Barcelona circuit that would drop to <90FPS with the old CPU. However the 5950x does not do that any more. As you can see from the graphs, with 5950x both GPU and CPU frametime 99.9 percentile is way below the limit.
Frametimes Larger Size
Utilization Larger Size
Second run was done using high quality graphics.

Frametimes Larger Size
Utilization Larger Size
Obviously here the GPU is the bottleneck. But even here, CPU upgrade still helps to deliver quite a few more frames with low frametimes.